
Eventz was admitted to COTP on August 20, 2010.  He was 5 1/2 months old and weighed 8 lbs 14 oz.  When Eventz was first admitted he stayed in our room for two weeks.  During this time Eventz refused to go to anyone else but me and would scream whenever someone else tried to hold him.  He then went out to the baby house for two weeks and had a miserable transition.  He screamed for two days straight.  His nannies would try to hold him, rock him, or give him a bottle, but nothing would work.  Each time I walked in the room he would stop crying before I even picked him up.  It broke my heart hearing him so upset.  Eventz then became very ill and stayed with Nick and I again for two days before being admitted to the local hospital for 5 weeks.  During his time at the hospital his health continued to deteriorate and at one point when we visited him we honestly thought he was going to die in my arms because he was so weak and sick.  On the drive back to COTP that day I told Nick that we needed to start advocating for this little boy to ensure that he survived.  About a week after that he returned to COTP and moved into our room again.  It was that night as the three of us laid in our bed with Eventz smiling and saying "Dada" over and over again that we officially decided he needed to be apart of our family.  We had been talking about it for a long time, but I just couldn't let him go else where. 

A few days later we headed back to Washington to tell our parents that we were adopting a beautiful little boy.  On November 10, 2010 Eventz officially moved into our home as our first son!  He has been doing amazing ever since and has caught up developmentally and doing incredibly well bonding with us.  Eventz is a huge blessing to both Nick and I and we are so thankful for the gift of being his parents.

Eventz biological parents are still alive and come to visit him about once a month.  He also has an older brother and sister and his Mother is pregnant again.  His family will always continue to be a major part of his life and Eventz will always know that they love him.  Eventz had a twin brother but unfortunately he passed away before I met my son.

Haiti has very strict adoption laws, and unfortunately we don't currently qualify to adopt.  We will be living in Haiti until we can complete this process which will take several years.  During this time we will not be able to travel outside the country with our son.  This means that Nick and I will have to take separate trips back to the States so that one of us is always with him.  We appreciate all your prayers which will help us make our son legally ours as soon as possible.